Republic of Somaliland Representative Office in TaiwanTaiwan
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Education in Somaliland

Education in Somaliland

The Somaliland Education Sector Analysis (ESA) has been conducted in response to the request by the Government of Somaliland, its sector partner, the Global Partnership for Education (GPE), and the Managing Entity, UNICEF, for an evidence-based analysis of the Education Sector within the period of the outgoing ESSP (2012-2016). Key objectives of the analysis include identifying education trends and priorities that will shape the new Education Sector Strategic Plan (ESSP).
As emphasized in ESA global guidelines,1this ESA is based on a wide spectrum of dialogues with government duty-bearers, local partners and community stakeholders. The report is committed to being as accurate and as rigorous as possible so as to inform policies and strategies for the education sector for the next five years.
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